August 20, 2006

Osanta Bin Laden meets Harper in North

During Steve-Joe's recent foray to the northern reaches of Canada to announce HIS nation asserting it's sovereign rights with armed forces, he met up with Osanta Bin Laden.

Says Steve-Joe, 'Any friend of President Bush's is a friend of mine. If Osanta wants to put bombs in his Christmas presents for children , so be it. That will give us freer reign to detain brown-skinned and Canadian-born people, wiretap, and invest in arms. My children's stock portfolios have grown by leaps and bounds since Boreen and I got them in on the Bush-plan. They'll be contributing heavily to Con Campaign Coffers.

Asked if he now understood Six Nation's sovereignty issues, Steve said, 'They still don't get it. If they'd arm themselves and contribute to the Fear Factory they could be reaping it in like the rest of us. Their refusal is just welfare attitude and they're no better then the left-wing peace loving bums.'.

O.K., Steve, we'll get right up to the North Pole and pick off penguins while we're waiting for Mid-Eastener, desert dwelling, sun soaking, heat and sand loving terrorists to cross the artic.

And Osanta, this year I'd like an Uzi in my stocking.

"Sovereignty is not a theoretical concept, you either use it or lose it," he said in a speech before military personnel. "Let me be absolutely clear that your new national government is committed to using." So said Harper.

So our government is "committed to using". Using what?? Using troops to search OBL and his cohorts disguised as penguins? Or maybe OBL is using penguins as couriers to send bombs to our Arctic Coast?? The penguins may be undercover terrorists. Yeah, sure, and we all believe in Santa Claus too! :) Nothing like jumping on the Bushco fear bandwagon... Those poor penguins will now be suspects... Who next, caribou and reindeer??? The list of terror suspects grows ever longer...

This project is such high priority that Stevie couldn't attend the AIDS Conference in Toronto because of the more important matter of asserting our sovereignty. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

I like the Osanta idea. Funny! :)

Sure wish the Clan Mothers would rule...
Sometimes I get tired of even watching my own tv on disgust that they will keep showing "him".But I like the way,in naked truth and sense,all these are potrayed in this amazing blog of yours.I also like the idea of santaism in connection with(what).No wonder he dogged AIDS Conf.His trip must have been fun and "not politicized"
Osanta or Santa are the real terrorists. They steal from the families starting in September until January so that rich may get richer. Santa or Osanta is a Robin Hood who takes from the poor and gives it to the rich in the name of gifts. It is all one big commercial hype and very little to do with the spirit of Christmas.

As far as Harper's friends are concerned you may like to review this on Bush:

annamaire, the 'users' bit caughtmy attention to. i have finally concluded it is not drugs, it is condoms. now they need to learn to put them on their penis instead of over their faces. artic animals beware, gitmo does not have ice.

jeff, gee, i read SATANism at first, hmmm, maybe there's something to that. i think you're right, he dogged the aids conference because his children would never ever be at risk (ya right) and he took them along to the artic. the pm's photogallery is a great place to liberate pics for your blog :)

anon, good point...hmm, maybe too good a point! LOVED the video, especially john fund contradicting himself as badly as bush does. so, bush has a 'linguisitc deficit' , does he? gimme a break!!!!!
annamaire, the 'users' bit caughtmy attention to. i have finally concluded it is not drugs, it is condoms. now they need to learn to put them on their penis instead of over their faces. artic animals beware, gitmo does not have ice.

jeff, gee, i read SATANism at first, hmmm, maybe there's something to that. i think you're right, he dogged the aids conference because his children would never ever be at risk (ya right) and he took them along to the artic. the pm's photogallery is a great place to liberate pics for your blog :)

anon, good point...hmm, maybe too good a point! LOVED the video, especially john fund contradicting himself as badly as bush does. so, bush has a 'linguisitc deficit' , does he? gimme a break!!!!!
The condoms are definitely a good idea. Must give them instructions on how to remove them from face and put them where they belong: on their REAL heads, those thingys between their legs. hehehe :)
Scout, what that is that saying “birds of the similar feather flock together” or something to that effect. In other words Harper and Bush deserve each other. Harper=Bush and it does not take Albert Einstein to take the equation one step further: Harper=Bush=morons. Check this one out. There is more humour packaged in 10 minutes than you will find anywhere else.
Here it is
Thought all you songsters over here might enjoy this one.
For some reason the URL address was not correct. I will try again:

Here we go
alison, great lyrics!!! think i'll buy a case right away. well, that depends....

anon, the hub and i were sitting here HOWLING at that vid!!!! and as berg has bush putting it, 'gilbert einstein'.
Something's wrong with the pic. The fat guy ain't wearin the red suit :)
q, ew, you're right!!! i heard through the grapevine that harper will be going on dr. mengele's diet. 'eez it rrrrright?'
I hope the REAL Osanta Bin Laden doesn't sue you for identity theft. There is a homeless guy in Toronto who hangs around Gladstone/Ossington blocks on Queen W who pan handles dressed up like santa and says he's running for mayor.
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