August 28, 2006

What the Hell is Friendly Fire???

"Discrepancies emerge in Cdn. 'friendly fire' probe"

Seems some Canuks in Afghanistan got a bit carried away. Paranoia? Orders from the top? Drugs? Traumatic affect? All the above?

AND WHAT THE HELL IS FRIENDLY FIRE??????? 'Here, you're my friend, bang!' ?. 'Just thought I'd send you to a better place', 'I hear you haven't been feeling well, POW!', 'What are buddies for, KAPOW!', 'Just kidding, oops, too late heh heh', 'Remember the time we got drunk and fell down, wasn't that fun, PING!'.

Friendly fire is the lamest term I ever heard.

I never could understand the 'friendly fire' euphemism either. It is a nonsensical term thought up by American big-brass as lame excuses to cover their asses. Sounds better than saying: "hey, to us all you Ay-rabs look like terrorists, so we're shootin' first just in case. And we're jumpy, tired, and sick of being in this hell-hole desert and can't understand your sign language. Besides, what's the big deal about a few Ay-rabs anyway? We didn't know that P-O-L-I-C-E spelled police like back in our country... thought it was some secret code you ragheads use... And the little kid in the previous incident was really a Talib midget in disguise..."

You'd think that 'sophisticated' military units such as ours and the rest of the American - I mean NATO - coalition would have equipment with them to enable communications with their foreign counterparts, or help the Afghan army and police buy some damn cell-phones.

'Friendly-fire' is an oxymoron! Any moron can see that. Why can't our military and the corporate media??

So now we are lumped with the Americans, and despised. Way to go Canada, learn from the U.S. how to win those 'hearts and minds'!
If it wasn't for America you might all be speaking German right now, and God forbid that you're Jewish, you'd probably be dead or never born.
It is so sad a state of affairs. Winning "hearts and minds" has resulted in losing their own minds; even our own poor soldiers have that problem. Of course they had no heart, I mean people like Bush and Harper, to start with and there is a serious doubt that they have a mind. So how they are going to win “heart and minds”

Given this state of affairs it is hurting the morale of soldiers and with low morale the performance suffers and people do crazy things and "friendly (read it deadly )" fire to kill their own comrades is one of many low morale symptoms.
diane, you have a strange and distorted logic. If people like Roosevelt did some good stuff during Second World War, although nuking Japan was not one of them, then it gives Bush right to carry out genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do not forget genocide in Lebanon by Israel with US weaponry and financial help. Bush is a terrorist and a war criminal. He must be impeached and put on trial

Friendly fire is the lamest term I ever heard.

I have to go with George Carlin on the lamest term ever 'Near Miss' referring to mid-air collisions. No, it is a 'NEAR HIT!' If it were a miss it would be a non-event!

As to 'Friendly Fire' we wondered about the origin of that back in 'Nam!

We generally ignored the term and replaced it with FUBAR!

No drugs, alcohol, or other substances required. Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), arrogance, and confusion cause FF incidents.

Just remember...If you hear a jet, look up, wave, it might the USAF and Major Dickhead getting ready to BOMB you!
God save me from liberals. At least I don't hide behind anonymous to voice my opinion.

Roosevelt did some good stuff during Second World War, although nuking Japan was not one of them

Roosevelt did a lot of truly good things, but it was Truman who ordered the A-Bomb to be used on Japan, not FDR!

Old Harry S. was America's version of Trudeau I think! LOL He flat told it like he saw it.

Bush is a terrorist and a war criminal. He must be impeached and put on trial

Hell will freeze over, Iran will turn Christian, and the moon to green before that will EVER happen in the U.S. Congress! It will take a foreign country to arrest Bush when he lands on their soil, and then watch the fur fly! It will never happen while he is in office...EVER!

His ilk are above the law because they control the law! So much for the delusions of the masses! Include Cheny, Rumsfeld, and numerous others in that quest! Same result! NADA, NYET!
Bill-Muskoka, You are right about Old Harry S. and a-bomb. You are also right about immunity of law for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. So sad. Might is right. Who said there is any change in the law of jungle?

Diane, you have every right to be drowned in your own delusions.

Talking about anonymous. Is Dick Cheney still playing Prime Minister of China to stay at a undisclosed location. How many walls of bodyguards Bush has around him. They are the real cowards who hide like that.

Before you throw rocks at other people's homes look at Bush and Cheney' glass house and may be your own. How many computer screens behind which you are hiding?
Let me add, God forbid I have to live in a cocoon like Bush. A total round cocoon, sky and all.
wow, i's getting done educated! thanks for the peak at vietnam and the FUBAR reference, bill.

hi diane! diane's site is where i altered the famous people contest from. she has one going called 'deadguy on the sidebar' (i gave ya credit, i gave ya credit!!!) , and it's HARD as usually is an obscure (to me) person. if you want to give it a try. i was never coming anywhere close so started 'famous stupid people' so i wouldn't have to do the guessing :)

btw diane, mostly we have canuks on this site, so the term 'liberals' means something else. liberals here are a center party, we also have a left wing party, the new democrats (socialists) , who hold seats in our parliament and are at the helm of some provinces. they make american liberals look conservative (our right wing party being the conservatives). but i welcome all (we have u.s. citizens and an australian who pop by regularily to comment) , just thought i'd give ya a quick canadian political lesson :) . personally i don't believe in party politics.

i checked out wikipedia for 'friendly fire' and there's some stuff of interest, though who coined the term remains elusive. still, an interesting read.

here's the 'elder's meditatioin' of the day:
"The devastated earth, the air, water, the extinct species of mankind, animal kind, and plant kind, the drugs, suicides, family separations - these are all the result of false ceremonies."

--Barney Bush, SHAWNEE

All life is a ceremony. Every act is a ceremony creating a result in our lives. Every ceremony we do always brings results to our lives. If we do bad medicine to others, we do bad medicine to ourselves. If we keep on doing bad ceremonies, we will eventually destroy ourselves. Any time we live our lives out of harmony, we are doing bad ceremonies. Any time we treat anything with disrespect whether it is another human being or a plant or an animal, we are performing bad ceremonies. These ceremonies not only have an effect on ourselves but will simultaneously affect everything. We need to use our power well, only do good ceremonies.
My Creator, teach me only good ceremonies. Teach me ceremonies that accomplish good for all the people. Good ceremonies cause good results. Teach me ceremonies that are helpful.
Thanks for the explanation of liberals Scout.

The last time I was delusional was on peyote. I still knew who I was then and didn't have to be anonymous.

Let me know if you're going to keep the new game up, it seems to be doing well. I'll add it to my post along with Sam and Mac's games when I post new "Dead Guys".
scout: You and I likely have some areas where our viewpoints differ but--that said, I think you're a treat (and I love your "If they were normal" photoshops).

Friendly fire doesn't seem like an oxymoron to me if it's looked at in the simple friend/enemy way: enemy fire/friendly fire. I just wish that they'd call it a friendly fire mistake, not a friendly fire incident. Friendly fire tragedy would do as well.

scout, you mention every act as a ceremony. For a western academic look at a similar idea, see praxeology from von Mises.
diane, hahaha, i still get a kick out of the title 'dead guys'.
as for anon, well, that's a choice and considering the majority of bloggers have handles, i wouldn't worry about it. i think we all have bigger things to worry about :)

ya, i'm going to keep the contest going, so thanks and i'll refer to yours now and then....maybe one day when i'm not feeling lazy i'll add you as a link :) . man yours is tough though, beats me how people guess at it!!!!!
hey ron! great to see you here...i just checked out your site but i'm due for an 'i have to have emergency dental work nap' so will have a gander later.

checked out the 'greek thing'....those greats must have dug into their own indigenous roots to come up with that :)

and differences, vive la difference!!! my how boring if we were all the same and of same opinion.

love the pic of the harp that you?
it's me :-) There's a link to my harp site on my blogger profile. I'd love your comments anytime on my blog postings!

I cannot recall you snapping at me, but the apology is accepted.

I tend to be pretty teflon coated on blogs! I do not want to have to add a tranquilizer to my daily regmine! LOL

LOL I first learned Ass-U-Me in the late '60's, and it has been part of my philosophy ever since!

Regarding posting to day...Google is having some server problems. It has been affecting all the Google based blogs, mine included. Probably server maintenance.
re: "that Greek Thing" (praxeology), one of the better intro sites is this one besides, of course
and I should mention that praxeology has a greek name but is actually fairly modern as a field of thought, being the early part of the last century.
Looks I started a controversy here. Did not mean to do it. I believe in good medicine too. So Diane now that you understand the definition of Liberals I think we can administer good medicine to each other.
ron, no prob, i'll slide on over later. and 'the greek thing' (no no no , not THAT for anyone not knowing what we're talking about), ya it seemed from the first site i looked at that it came along later but was based a lot on the old greeks. and i figured the old greeks like soc, ari etc. drew on a lot of their tribal ways.

annamaire, i see the blogger problems have given you the hiccups. i can't recall you snapping at bill either.

bill, geeze, i never even knew blogger was a google based thing!!!!!!

anon, yay, differences being sorted out!!! and it's always 'the system', not the people. in know too many good u.s. citizens (our indigenous central and south american brothers and sisters don't like people using 'american' for the u.s.)
Scout, I agree. Most of the Americans I know are very decent people. After all close to 70% Americans do not approve of Bush. It is a tragedy that Bush ended up in the Whitehouse.
"No drugs, alcohol, or other substances required. Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), arrogance, and confusion cause FF incidents."

FUD rules. Well, my existence, anyway. You know that "No Fear" line of clothing? My motto is "No, Fear".

I think it's high time we traded in "caught in friendly fire" for something more current, like "got Cheneyed".

and I should mention that praxeology has a greek name but is actually fairly modern as a field of thought, being the early part of the last century.

Actually, and I will post some links tomorrow because my old widdle brain is too tired tonight for massive things like that, the term is far older than the Greeks.

It is a concept from the Gnostics, hence the Cathars, and the Sumerians, and Yes, the Druids. The Druditic Empire stretched from the British Isles to India. Again, I will proffer some substantiation for that claim.

The Essenes at Qumran carried forth the concepts and philosophies they knew as the 'ancient knowledge'!

It's a fascinating, but very long story, that we are just beginning to piece together based on scientntific evidence and open thinking!


It is always the people, not the system! LOL Switzerland has the oldest Federation dating from 1211 A.D....another fascinating story of sanity in the midst of insanity!

I will read the Iroquois Constitution. I expect to find very ancient principles in it!

The hour has grown late, and I shall now retire to let my Dream Catcher do its work. It was so very busy last night!
Bill: You're correct about the philosophic approach--it does pre-date the greeks, but as far as I understand the term applied to that approach is modern (1890?). The ancients didn't call it praxeology.
...and when I said a modern field of thought, I meant as applied formally to the fields of politics and economics.
Done! New "Dead Guy" up with links to site and "Stupid People" inserted.
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