September 11, 2006
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Ave. and Front St. - 25 years after 911
They will still not have found Usama Bin Laden either! LOL
bill, i get this feeling harper IS a test tube. if he's a clone of bush, should we call him 'molly harper'? as for osama, only scout is capable of pinpointing the third stooge.....photographing him on stairs with his laptop (a few posts down), was trick stuff.
anon, i think whitehouse speech staff had to scramble to write harper's speech....they actually FORGOT until steve phoned up crying.
What will we do without Bush/Harper as they do provide comical relief but then there will always be someone else taking their place. We rather have Clintonites having fun with Monica rather than Bush/Harper bent on killing people.
Sorry about that, scout. It's just the first time I've been able to post a comment anywhere in ages. I'm joyous.
Now back to regularly scheduled snark.
Will Steven try to make Condi the next GG? Naw! Tha seems pretty safe as it's a fixed term. What if Condi applies for refugee status?
Now, what about Peter (I'm lonely, so lonely since Belinda dumped me for a life) MacKay? Did Peter get Condi more than a Timmy's?
Enquiring minds want, no NEED to know. So where is our illustrious PPG these days?
So many little caring! Where's the humanity?
Love is not only blind it can be very hazardous.
jj, what did you clean the screen with? and ya, commenting's been a pain lately!!!!
bill, i think i'll have to have a chat with scout's editor about doing a gossip column. we need to know these things!!!!!
Bogeymen, ghosts, psycopathic killers, you name it. They all pale in comparison to the likes of those two.
I may never sleep again, perchance to dream...
'i suggest they elect a lesbian'
TADA! That would be...'Envelope please!'....Yes, we have a winner...Thunder Thighs Hillary!
First of all! Your comments are too good to be pick a handle of your prederence! LOL
Secondly: 'It is a love affair but we the public will get screwed and rest of the world may get screwed.'
Probably, but not Peter!
First of all! Your comments are too good to be pick a handle of your prederence! LOL
Secondly: 'It is a love affair but we the public will get screwed and rest of the world may get screwed.'
Probably, but not Peter!
bill, i dunno, i kinda thought maybe cheney's daughter would go democrat and run for prez. hillary has thunder thighs? oh well, doesn't clinton have a big butt?
Is a new anonymous folks. I have competition, Scout.
Bill, thank you. I have been told that before. There is some fun in being anonymous, some mystery to it.
Anon, you could always post under 'other' at 'the artist formerly known as anon'. or #1 anon. something like that.
Waterboy, they're trying to earn more then one sentence in the history and text books....only don't realize it will be a negative rap. in 25 years: 'President G.W. Bush, two terms. Led U.S.A. into an illegal war. Breeched United Nation's Security Council a gazillion times. Responsible for collapse of North American Economy'.
Prime Minister Stephan Harper: See 'President G.W. Bush.
Don't know if this will post, as I've been having probs posting too. That's why you haven't heard from me here.
btw, when you hear from Q, please give him my congrats on his winning two contests in a row. Wow! Way to go! I was stumped.
Cheers and g'night all! Thanks for the laughs, I needed them. :)
Here I am, still up at the witching hour. Can't sleep for some reason...
Have been under heavy fire re: my poor old computer. Sometimes I beak off. Yeah, it happens. Then I get major hacking attempts and some of them land.
So, then it's time to bring in some heavy artillary and oh boy can that mess up a computer.
I'll confess. Aaarrgghhh was none other than Locusta emersonia, but really I'm duct taping my system together. Guess I hit a few nerves. :)
Grant me one thousand pardons please.
Do you know that Creekside has(d) a great post and a verra weird poster on her site, talking about Condi, and Canada's role? Yep. At the end, Creekside called for a taxi.
Anywhoooo, reading you all is very entertaining, often enlightening, and always real.
Sorry about my fraidy-cat ways, but I only own one computer and I kinda need it.
Then again, ahhh damn the torpedoes!
I'll sell my baby makers on EBay to get a new computer O.O ;)
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